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ICU- Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria

ICU- Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria logo

ICU is an Italian NGO Operating in Rwanda since 2020. 

 ICU’s mission is to promote self-development in the countries with limited resources where it works. This is the reason why its activities always include a strong component of training and education of population and local institutions. Therefore, capacity building, seen as an ongoing process to hand on technology, methodology and know-how, is a leading theme of ICU’s strategy in its relationship with local partners. Through its projects, aimed at improving the local operational capabilities and skills, ICU provides technical assistance to local peoples.

According to these inspiring ideas, our initiatives are based on strong relationships with local partners (institutions and civil society representatives) established since many years of partnership. This ‘modus operandi’ ensures a proper identification of local needs, an efficient and suitable implementation of projects and the sustainability of carried out activities, thanks to a stable presence of local partners promoting long-term sustainability of the obtained results.

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