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One South, LLC

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One South is an international development consulting and research firm that supports organizations to understand and deliver social change. We invest in local capacity to access challenging contexts and bring the best skills to complex development problems.

Our goal is to support decision-makers in the global south to design relevant interventions, improve their strategies, and deliver impactful social programs through applied research.

Our vision is a world where social change is experimental, incremental, and driven by a shared experience. To fulfill these objectives, we mobilize trans-disciplinary teams of experts and practitioners to:

1) Determine Needs and Formulate Solutions Identify and prioritize intervention areas where impact can be greater.

Our services inform the multiple stages of the planning process —from the systematic integration of stakeholder’s needs and formulation of theories of change, to the modeling of potential impact through ex-ante evaluation designs.

2) Track Outcomes & Build Monitoring Capacity

We support the design and implementation of results-based monitoring systems that produce timely, accessible and utilization-focused data.

3) Evaluate Impact and Strategies

We work closely with development programs to assess their contributions and promote organizational learning through rigorous, cross-thematic, and culturally-competent research designs.

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