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U'MWiza Rwanda

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U'Mwiza Rwanda (UMR) is an organization working with people of all faith to participate in a worldwide community of compassion and service. In Rwanda, UMR has a mission to support the poor and Vulnerable (Ubudehe category: 1 and 2) families. U'Mwiza Rwanda is a Rwandan NGO fully funded by Unbound, a US-based organization. 

Provide personalized facilities to children, youth, and elderly people from poor and vulnerable families in order to help them achieve their desired potential and fully participate in society with dignity.

Invite people of good will to live/work in regular solidarity with the people from poor and vulnerable families through one-to-one sponsorship.

Building community by fostering relationships of mutual respect, understanding, and support in order to improve the well-being of poor and vulnerable families.

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