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University of Technology and Arts of Byumba” (UTAB)

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University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), is a private higher learning university and is functioning in accordance with the law no. 04/2012 governing organization and functioning of non-governmental organizations. Before upgraded from Institute to university status on 10/12/2015, UTAB was previously known as Institut Polytechnique de Byumba (IPB).

IPB was opened officially and solemnly its doors on January 26, 2006, with one faculty: the "Faculty of Social Sciences, Management and Development Studies" and it’s grown with three faculties today such as the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Environment Management.

IPB was granted the definitive accreditation by the Government of Rwanda by Ministerial Order no. 002/2010/MINEDUC of 16/06/2010. Upon the recommendation of the Board of the National Council for Higher Education and on the basis of the Law no 24/2013 of 24/05/2013 governing the organization and functioning of higher education.

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