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UNABU (Umuryango Nyarwanda w'Abagore Bafite Ubumuga) is an organization run by and for women with disabilities. It supports gender equality in Rwanda by empowering women with disabilities to meet and share their individual experiences and concerns in order to discover collective measures to tackle any discrimination they may face.

UNABU is now spearheading this approach, with 687 women divided into 27 groups and at the district level, UNABU searches for community mobilizers who are educated on women's rights, the rights of people with disabilities and other forms of gender-based violence.

The community mobilizers then build groups of women with disabilities or mothers of girls with disabilities by working with local authorities, posting informational posters about the groups and making house visits as needed.

The community mobilizer discusses with the women’s groups their personal experiences and problems and they are then directed to the appropriate structures that can assist them to resolve their difficulties (whether legal, medical or otherwise) and are encouraged to contact them. They also develop income-generating ideas and form a collective bank account to establish a micro-credit system to fund their activities and assist in the resolution of individual concerns.

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